Vol 8 (1855-1856)
This volume includes papers on a wide variety of topics including the character of Hamlet, the population of Manchester and diseases of the pear tree
Front matter:
List of members
On the state of the western portion of the ancient kingdom of Northumberland, down to the period of the Norman conquest
John Hodgson Hinde
Liverpool: memoranda touching its area and population, during the first half of the present century
J. T. Danson
On the Saxon element in the diction of English poetry
David Buxton
On the foundation and history of Boteler’s Free Grammar School at Warrington
John Fitchett Marsh
The ancient geometrical analysis, illustrated from the writings of the Lancashire geometers
T. T. Wilkinson
On Babylon; and on the discovery of the cuneiform characters, and the mode of interpreting them
Dr Julius Oppert
On the method of testing marine meteorological instruments recently introduced at Liverpool Observatory
John Hartnup
On the character of Hamlet
Rev. Arthur Ramsay
On the Roman remains recently discovered at Walton-le-Dale, Preston
Charles Hardwick
On the ethnology of south Britain at the period of the extinction of the Roman government in the island
Thomas Wright
On the lepidopterous insects of the district around Liverpool
Charles Stuart Gregson
On the area and population of the Manchester district
J. T. Danson
The English poor law system, viewed in relation to education and morals, in England and Wales
Rev. Thomas Moore
On a fungoid disease affecting the pear tree
Thomas Sansom
On the rise of the manufacturing towns of Lancashire and Cheshire
David Buxton
Proceedings, eighth Session, 1855-56
Exhibition of a case of watches
Rev. John James Moss
On the use of the patent abacus
J. G. Jones
A day in Low Furness
James Stonehouse
General remarks on the natural history of the shores of the Mersey
Richard A. Tudor
On some unpublished letters of Dr. Franklin
Percy M. Dove
On a supposed new species of prong-horned antelope from North America
Thomas J. Moore
On the horns of the Chiru, the so-called ‘Unicorn’ of Thibet
Thomas J. Moore
On the advantages of the study of natural history, in our national or people’s schools
Charles Stuart Gregson
Monumental brasses found at Preston
William Dobson
On some of the recorded changes in Liverpool Bay, previous to the year 1800
Joseph Boult
Concluding address
J. T. Danson
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