Our Journal
Submissions of articles and shorter research notes on any aspect of the history of the ancient counties of Lancashire and Cheshire are welcome at any time.
Articles should be in the region of 8,000 to 10,000 words inclusive of references. Research in Progress articles should be in the region of 4,000 words including references.
All submissions should be in English and should follow the conventions and house style of Transactions.
Submitting an article
Contributors should submit articles by email attachment to editor@hslc.org.uk: ensuring that all illustrative material is included. This should be accompanied by an abstract (c. 150 words) and a brief biography suitable for the Notes on Contributors.
Any illustrative material (tables, figures etc) should be included with the submission, included in the main text, not sent as separate attachments.
Please ensure that you have read the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement available here.
For further information and guidance on writing for Transactions see the Guidelines for Contributors or contact the editor by email.
Interested in reviewing for Transactions?
While we don’t accept unsolicited reviews, if you are interested in reviewing for Transactions we would love to hear from you, just contact the reviews editor with a brief summary of your area of expertise.
Guidance on writing reviews for Transactions can be found here and also see general Guidelines for Contributors for more detailed guidance. These examples of book reviews may be helpful.
We welcome books for review; please send them to our reviews editors or contact the reviews editor by email, full contact details below.
Volumes for sale
We have a limited number of back issues for sale. Recent volumes are available at a cost of £16 plus P & P, availability and prices for older volumes and occasional publications vary. Please contact publications@hslc.org.uk for further details.
Submit an article
Contributors should submit articles by email attachment to the editor ensuring that all illustrative material is included. This should be accompanied by an abstract (c. 150 words) and a brief biography suitable for the Notes on Contributors.
Dr Bertie Dockerill
Reviews Editor
Dr Marc Collinson
Note to publishers/authors:
Please send books for review to:
- Victoria Baths, ManchesterVictoria Baths opened in 1906, and was once described as "the most splendid municipal bathing institution in the country". After winning the BBC's Restoration programme in 2003 the baths have been partially restored.