Education Grants

Education grants will be made to schools and other institutions for projects or activities that further the study of local history.

Examples of the type of help given include assistance with transport to a record office, museum or historical site or the acquisition of copied archive material.  The Society will also consider applications from HEIs to support events/conferences/workshop aimed at increasing participation by non-academics in the research and dissemination of knowledge about the historic counties of Lancashire and Cheshire. Normally these grants will not exceed £300 each.

TO APPLY: download and complete the application form.  The completed application form must be received by 31 OCTOBER.

Successful applicants will be expected to contribute an article to the HSLC Newsletter about how the funds were used or to deliver a presentation/talk at a Society event. Applicants are strongly encouraged to become a member of HSLC.

How to Apply

Please download the application form and send a completed copy to

  • Cottages at Port Sunlight designed by C H Reilly, 1905
    The garden village of Port Sunlight was built as a home for workers at the nearby Sunlight Soap factory owned by Lord Leverhulme.
    Find Housing in the Archive