Publication Grants
Publication Grants will be made to individuals, groups or other bodies seeking support in the preparation of a publication (including electronic publication) on an appropriate topic.
Grants will usually be made to assist with some specific aspect of the publication. Normally these grants will not exceed £500 each.
TO APPLY: download and complete the application form. The completed application form must be received by 31 OCTOBER.
Successful applicants will be expected to contribute an article to the HSLC Newsletter about how the funds were used and/or to deliver a presentation/talk at a Society event about their research/publication. Applicants are strongly encouraged to become a member of HSLC.
How to Apply
Please download the application form and send a completed copy to
- Victoria Baths, ManchesterVictoria Baths opened in 1906, and was once described as "the most splendid municipal bathing institution in the country". After winning the BBC's Restoration programme in 2003 the baths have been partially restored.