Vol 27 (1874-1875)
Includes a biographical note on Ann Lee, foundress of the Shakers and a paper on a design for a cathedral in Liverpool which was never built
Alternative volume number: Third Series volume III
Front matter:
List of members
Past Presidents, Secretaries etc.
Some notes on the parish church of Middlewich, Cheshire
B. Ll. Vaudrey
Geographical statistics of the extra-British European flora
Thomas Comber
The parochial chapel of St. Leonard, Langho, in Billington
W. A. Abram
Biographical notice of Ann Lee, a Manchester prophetess and foundress of the American sect of the Shakers
W. E. A. Axon
A design for the proposed cathedral of St. Peter, Liverpool
E. A. Heffer
Archaeology of the Mersey district, and Liverpool notabilia in 1874
Henry Ecroyd Smith
Explanation of a curious wood engraving
Rev. Canon Hume
Warrington local sketches
James Kendrick
Rural life and manners in the neighbourhood of Bidstone and Upton a hundred years ago
Rev. Canon Hume
Proceedings of Session xxvii, 1874-75
Report for Session xxvi, 1873-74
Note by Mr Boult on ‘The Weald of Kent’
On the Walintune of Domesday Book
John Robson
Notes on a record of the hundred court of Wirrall
Rev. Canon Hume
Closing remarks
Rev. Canon Hume
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