Vol 6 (1853-1854)
This volume contains an article on eighteenth-century newspapers by James Picton, an antiquary who has given his name to the Picton Reading Room in Liverpool Central Library
First Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Some account of the Liverpool election of 1670; from original documents in the possession of John Ireland Blackburne, esq., of Hale (also Appendix)
Rev. Abraham Hume
Second Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Facsimiles of correspondence between Lady Hamilton and Nelson
Joseph Mayer
Some account of the loyal Warrington volunteers of 1798
James Kendrick
A synoptical view of the British authorities – earliest and medieval – on British history
William Bell
Third Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Some notes, historical and ecclesiastical, on the chapelry of Kirkby, Walton-on-the-Hill, Lancashire
Rev. Thomas Moore
Biographical notice of Mr John Holt, a late local antiquary
James Stonehouse
Fourth Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Ancient washing tablet exhibited
Mr Clements
Further particulars respecting Mr. John Holt
James Boardman
Biographical sketch of Mr. John Wyke, with some remarks on the arts and manufactures of Liverpool from 1760 to 1780
William John Roberts and H. C. Pidgeon
Porcelain and earthenware manufacture in Liverpool
On Shotwick church and its Saxon foundation
Joseph Mayer
Fifth Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Description of the ancient font at Kirkby, in the parish of Walton-on-the-Hill, Lancashire
William John Roberts
Sixth Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Explanation of a stone with armorial bearings
James Boardman
On the education of the deaf and dumb in Lancashire and Cheshire
David Buxton
Notices of Certain British antiquities; no. 1
Edward Benn
Seventh Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Roman remains in the Fylde district
Rev. William Thornber
Gleanings from old Liverpool newspapers, a hundred years ago
James A. Picton
Description of an ancient copy book of the time of Charles II
Eighth Meeting – Proceedings and communications
Exhibition of small objects found in a Roman burial ground near Cologne
Joseph Mayer
Description of a Warrington book-plate
James Kendrick
On the history of naval terms; part II
Rev. J. S. Howson
Concluding address
Rev. Abraham Hume
Appendix (letters relating to the Liverpool election of 1670)
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