Vol 145 (1995)

Coal in South-West Lancashire - Monastic buildings at Chester - Samuel Peploe - Executions and the Press - Lytham-St. Annes - Darwen Football Club - Militancy and the Liverpool W.S.P.U.- Joseph Valens of Liverpool - Constitution of the Society

Coal in South-West Lancashire – Monastic buildings at Chester – Samuel Peploe – Executions and the Press – Lytham-St. Annes – Darwen Football Club – Militancy and the Liverpool W.S.P.U.- Joseph Valens of Liverpool – Constitution of the Society

Front matter
List of illustrations
Editorial note
List of abbreviations

An unexceptional commodity: coal in south-west Lancashire in the sixteenth century
Janet E. Hollinshead

The reuse of the monastic buildings at Chester, 1540-1640
Alan Thacker

Regional structure and the urban system: North-west England, 1700-1760
Jon Stobart

Samuel Peploe and the ideology of anti-Catholicism among the Anglican clergy in early Hanoverian England
Paul G. Green

Executions, the sheriff, and the press
Emmeline Garnett

The nineteenth-century landowner as urban developer: the Clifton estate and the development of Lytham-St. Annes
Graham Rogers

Death in the ‘Peaceful Valley’: the demise of Darwen Football Club, 1885-1899
Robert Lewis

‘The stone-throwing has been forced upon us’: the function of militancy within the Liverpool W.S.P.U., 1906-14
Krista Cowman

An unrecorded Alexandrian coin hoard from Manchester
K. F. Sugden

Recent finds of Roman coins in Lancashire: third report
David Shotter

Wealth creation, ethics and education: the career of Joseph Valens of Liverpool
Maurice Whitehead

Indexes to Transactions
C. B. Phillips

Notes on the Contributors


Council and officers’ reports for 1995

Constitution of the Society



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