Vol 171 (2022)

This year's volume includes six articles and sixteen book reviews. Whilst a wide variety of subject matter is presented, the spatial and chronological focus of this year's articles, in comparison to those in recent editions, is Lancashire-centric and modern. The inter-disciplinary nature of Transactions is underlined by James Moore and Catherine Site's article focusing on Lancashire's pioneering impressionist painters. Also included is a retrospective look at John Walton's key text, Lancashire: a social history 1558-1939.

This volume is not available in digital form on our website at present. HSLC members receive a copy of this volume plus online access to this and other recent volumes through Liverpool University Press.

Front matter:
Editorial note
Notes on contributors


Retrospective: Thirty-five Years On: John K. Walton, Lancashire: A Social History 1558-1939
Alan Crosby

Liverpool’s Renewed Liberalism: Britain’s Third Party in Post-war Merseyside Politics
Marc Collinson


Administration of Justice in Victorian Cheshire, 1840-1890: A Quantitive Survey
John Wallisss

Attitudes to Male Homosexuality in Late Victorian England: Charles Freston, a Case Study
Anthony Tibbles

Lancashire’s Pioneering Impressionists: The Manchester School of Painters and its Critics, 1868-1914
James Moore and Catherine Tite

City of Plague: Victorian Liverpool’s Response to Epidemic
Marie Riley

Decolonisation, Diversification, and Decline: Liverpool Shipping at the End of Empire
Nicholas J. White

Three Cheers for the Pirates! The History of Merseyside Smugglers and Wreckers: Realities, Myths and Legacies
James Houghton

Book Reviews

Report of Council for the Year 2021

Council and Officers for 2021

Cover Image: Adapted from Liverpool Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Docks, ‘Plan Shewing river entrances to Sandon half-tide dock also passages to adjoining docks’, c.1909


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