Vol 165 (2016)

This volume was edited for us on this occasion by Alan Crosby and articles cover the history of both counties from late medieval to modern times

This volume is not available online, but we have some copies for sale. Please contact publications@hslc.org.uk for further details.


Front matter:
Editorial note
Notes on contributors

The exemption of Chester Abbey: papal power and local consent
Peter McDonald

A tale of two maps: the town plans of Manchester by William Green and Charles Laurent
Terry Wyke and Brian Robson

Liverpool Corporation and the origins of municipal social housing, 1842-1890
Bertie Dockerill

The residential development of Sefton Park, Liverpool, c.1872-c.1900
Joseph Sharples

Working-class women shareholders in mid-nineteenth century Lancashire
Peter Hampson

Technological change and the decline of Britain’s largest steel company: Barrow Haematite, 1864-1918
A.J. Arnold

Bibliographical notes on the dating, numbering, and indexing of Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
C.B. Phillips

Bridging the Mersey again: the new Mersey crossing and its historical dimension
Pat Cox and Alan G. Crosby

Review of Periodical Literature

Book Reviews

Council and officers’ reports for the year 2015


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