Vol 163 (2014)
The articles in this volume once again cover a wide range of geographical areas and time periods

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Front matter:
Editorial note
Notes on contributors
County History and Civil War: Sir Philip Mainwaring, William Dugdale, and the attempt to publish a History of Cheshire in the 1650s
Fiona Pogson
The Duke of Monmouth’s 1682 progress and political division in the north-west
Geoff Baker
The north-west and the 1798 Rebellion
Máirtín Ó Catháin
The Bloody Code in Cheshire: the Chester Court of Great Sessions 1805-30
John Walliss
Settlement, disease, poverty and conflict: the Irish in Birkenhead, 1841-51
Mike Handley
The Lancashire Boggart Plays: a lost local theatre tradition?
Simon Young
Dreams of helicopter travel in the 1950s and Liverpool’s undeveloped plans for a city centre heliport
Martin Dodge and Richard Brook
Research in Progress:
The Commissioners’ Churches on a Lancashire religious frontier – vital bastions of a nineteenth-century Anglican ‘Counter Reformation’?
William Walker
Research in Progress:
Protest and the state: understanding the Home Office Disturbances Papers
Robert Poole
Book reviews
Council and officers’ reports for 2013
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