Vol 119 (1967)

Lieutenancy of Lancashire and Cheshire - Chester Leather Industry - Blundell's Collieries Technical Developments - Tramway Companies - Widnes Board of Health - Common Fields

Front matter
Council and officers for the year 1968
Affiliated societies
List of members

The English arrival in Cheshire
J. McN. Dodgson

The Lieutenancy of Lancashire and Cheshire in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries
B. Coward

The Chester leather industry, 1558-1625
D. M. Woodward

Blundell’s collieries: technical developments, 1776-1966
D. Anderson

Tramway companies in Liverpool, 1859-1897
S. Alasdair Munro

The Widnes Local Board of Health, 1865-1892
J. R. Hunt

A note on common fields in north Lancashire
Alan Harris

Tour of the castles and churches of Northumbria, Easter 1967
Hilda Edwards

New books

Council and officers’ reports for 1967

Index of place names



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