African Slave Trade
'Liverpool, the African Slave Trade and Abolition' edited by Roger Anstey and P E H Hair, occasional series volume 2, enlarged edition published in 1989

Front matter:
Roger Anstey and P E H Hair
The Atlantic slave trade and economy of West Africa
Marion Johnson
The slave trade of Bristol with the British mainland colonies in North America 1699-1770
W E Minchinton
Profits in the Liverpool slave trade: the accounts of William Davenport, 1754-1784
David Richardson
Volume and tonnage of the Liverpool slave trade 1772-1807
D P Lamb
Slave mortality on British ships 1791-1797
Herbert S Klein and Stanley L Engerman
The Liverpool-African voyage c. 1790-1807: commercial problems
B K Drake
The historical debate on the abolition of the British slave trade
Roger Anstey
Capitalism and abolition: values and forces in Britain, 1783-1814
Seymour Drescher
The Liverpool abolitionists
F E Sanderson
The slave trade from Lancashire and Cheshire ports outside Liverpool, c. 1750-c. 1790
M M Schofield
Chester slave trading partnerships 1750-1756
M M Schofield
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