Janet Barrie is the current chair of the Society for One-Place Studies and researches the people and activities associated with the Springhill area of Rossendale, Lancashire. In this talk she will look at the principles of conducting a one-place study by considering the nature of a ‘place’ and of a ’study’.

Janet Barrie is the current chair of the Society for One-Place Studies and researches the people and activities associated with the Springhill area of Rossendale, Lancashire. In this talk she will look at the principles of conducting a one-place study by considering the nature of a ‘place’ and of a ’study’.

Wednesday, 18 September, 2pm. Online and free to attend but places need to be reserved by emailing our Programme Secretary at hslc1848@gmail.com and you will be sent a confirmation, and zoom link nearer the time.
(Please note it is not possible to book tickets via Eventbrite for this lecture).
