Local Studies librarians from CILIP, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, talk about their freely accessible online guide.

Wednesday, 20 November, 2pm. Online by Zoom and free to attend.

Heritage resources can make a difference to individuals: the young couple in their first house who visited because they had chopped down some trees which were inside their fence only to find that their neighbour claimed the land and the trees; the schoolteacher who said that her students’ A level results had improved as a result of class visits to the local studies library; the family who were helped to find essential evidence about a local company and were able to obtain compensation for the loss of a loved one.

This event has been organised by CILIP’s Local Studies Group. To reserve your place, please go to Eventbrite


Another chance to see our September 2024 talk or catch it for the first time. Janet Barrie is the current chair of the Society for One-Place Studies and researches the people and activities associated with the Springhill area of Rossendale, Lancashire. In this talk she looks at the principles of conducting a one-place study by considering the nature of a ‘place’ and of a ’study’.

Janet Barrie is the current chair of the Society for One-Place Studies and researches the people and activities associated with the Springhill area of Rossendale, Lancashire. In this talk she looks at the principles of conducting a one-place study by considering the nature of a ‘place’ and of a ’study’. For all those interested in local and regional history…

Watch it here

[This online talk took place on Wednesday, 18 September 2024.]
