Guidelines for Contributors

Submissions of articles and shorter research notes on any aspect of the history of the ancient counties of Lancashire and Cheshire are welcome at any time.

Articles should be in the region of 7,000 to 8,000 words inclusive of references. Research in Progress articles should be in the region of 2,000 to 3,000 words including references.

All submissions should be in English and should follow the conventions and house style of Transactions.

Submitting an article

Contributors should submit articles by email attachment to the editor: ensuring that all illustrative material is included. This should be accompanied by an abstract (c. 150 words) and a brief biography suitable for the Notes on Contributors.

All illustrative material (tables, figures etc) should be included with the submission, included in the main text. Please do not send separate attachments.

Please ensure that you have read the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement, available from the editor.

For further information and guidance on writing for Transactions please contact the editor by email.

Submit an article

Contributors should submit articles by email attachment to the editor ensuring that all illustrative material is included. This should be accompanied by an abstract (c. 150 words) and a brief biography suitable for the Notes on Contributors.

Submit by Email

  • Effigies of John Mainwaring and his wife, Margaret
    John Mainwaring lived at Over Peover in Cheshire and died in 1410.
    Find Effigy in the Archive