Vol 70 (1918)
Articles on church architecture across the two counties again predominate

Alternative volume number: New Series Volume XXXIV
Front matter:
Council and officers for the year 1919
Officers of the Society since commencement
List of honorary local secretaries
Editorial notes
List of members
List of Societies with which Transactions are exchanged
On the remains of mediaeval stallwork in Lancashire
Fred H. Crossley
The seating of the stalls
The baberies of the misericords
The stall-ends
Desk fronts
Canopy work
The Liverpool Court of Passage
Walter Peel
Manchester cathedral screens
Rev. H. A. Hudson
A Doom reredos
Philip Nelson
The monuments at Bunbury church, Cheshire: Part II
J. Paul Rylands and F. C. Beazley
Arms of Brocklebank
Beeston Monument
Arms of Beeston
Arms of Egerton
Arms of Basset
Arms of Broster
Arms of Gardner
Allotment of a seat in Blackburn church
John Livesey
Stray notes:
Liverpool Castle, 1235
The Forest of Wirral
Furness sayings
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