Vol 31 (1878-1879)
Includes an appeal to members and others to make known to the society any material such as artefacts and documents which they possess, so that they may be studied and recorded

Alternative volume number: Third Series volume VII
Front matter:
Advertisement [to request members and others to make known to the society any material such as artefacts and documents which they possess, so that they may be studied and recorded]
Price of volumes
Council and officers, Session xxxi, 1878-79
List of members
Past Presidents, Secretaries etc.
Roman Manchester
W. Thompson Watkin
A century of recusancy, Part I
Rev. T. E. Gibson
A century of recusancy, Part II
Rev. T. E. Gibson
Notes, historical and antiquarian, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire
J. Harris Gibson
The map-history of the coast from the Dee to the Duddon. A search for the Belisama of Horsley
Thomas Glazebrook Rylands
On some mediaeval pottery recently found in Derbyshire
Charles T. Gatty
Proceedings of Session xxxi, 1878-79
Report for Session xxx, 1877-78
Lenten notes of the olden time
An ancient deed, referring to delinquents and recusants in Cheshire during the reign of Charles II
Charles T. Gatty
Late Celtic antiquities
Charles T. Gatty
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