Vol 29 (1876-1877)
Alternative volume number: Third Series volume V
Front matter:
List of members
Past Presidents, Secretaries etc.
Some account of a curious astronomical, astrological, and medical ms. in the Chetham Library, Manchester
John Harland and W. E. A. Axon
History and curiosities of the Liverpool directory
J. A. Picton
Warrington local sketches
James Kendrick
The etymology of plant names; Part II: Kitchen vegetables
Thomas Comber
Roman remains in the eastern part of Cheshire
J. P. Earwaker
The Orms of Lancashire in the twelfth century, and Orm the writer of the Ormulum
Dr. R. G.Latham
On some ancient glass in the Mayer collection
Charles T. Gatty
Ancient English streets and scenes
Alfred Rimmer
The burial list of the Ormskirk clergy and ministers
James Dixon
Proceedings of Session xxix, 1876-77
Report for Session xxviii, 1875-76
Ormskirk market cross and wayside crosses in general
James Dixon
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