Vol 21 (1868-1869)

Alternative volume number: New Series volume IX
Front matter:
List of members
Address to the members of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
Joseph Mayer
Notice of Romano-British culinary vessels, discovered in North Wales
Henry Ecroyd Smith
The last popular risings in the Lancashire lake country
A. Craig Gibson
Observations on population statistics. Part I
Thomas A. Welton
Observations on population statistics. Part II
Thomas A. Welton
Notice of a mediaeval signaculum of the Anglo-Saxon saints, Edwyn and Ecgwyn
Henry Ecroyd Smith
On some oriental geographers
F. Boyle
Archaeology in the Mersey district, 1868
Henry Ecroyd Smith
On the gains and losses in historic progress
David Buxton
The so-called ‘petrified human eyes’ from the graves of the ancient Indians, Arica, Peru
Rev Abraham Hume
Biographical sketch of the late H. L. Elmes, architect of St. George’s Hall
J. T. Kilpin
Mediaeval signaculum of Saints Edwyn and Ecgwyn; supplemental and correctional note
Henry Ecroyd Smith
Proceedings, twenty-first session, 1868-69
Report presented at the annual meeting
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