Vol 17 (1864-1865)
The first of four articles on the Lakeland of Lancashire appears in this volume

Alternative volume number: New Series volume V
Front matter:
List of members
On the druidical rock basins in the neighbourhood of Burnley
T. T. Wilkinson
The ancient borough of Over, Cheshire
Thomas Rigby
The England of Shakspeare
Nicholas Waterhouse
The greenwood of Shakspeare
Nicholas Waterhouse
The pamphlet literature of Liverpool
Thomas Dawson
The Lakeland of Lancashire. No. I – Hawkshead town, church and school
A. Craig Gibson
On British silver military war-medals
J. Harris Gibson
On the flora of Preston and the neighbourhood. Part IV
Charles Joseph Ashfield
Numismatic history of England from 1066 to the present time. Part I, 1066 to 1504
F. E. Jeffery
The limestone caves of Craven and their ancient inhabitants
Henry Ecroyd Smith
On some results of the census of the deaf and dumb in 1861
David Buxton
The history of photography to the year 1844
J. T. Towson
On the cup-cuttings and ring-cuttings on the Calder stones near Liverpool
Prof. J. Y. Simpson
On the Roman topography of east Lancashire
T. T. Wilkinson
Notice of an early conventual cemetery in Wirral
Henry Ecroyd Smith
Proceedings, seventeenth session, 1864-65
Report presented at the annual meeting
On the varieties of the scolopendrium vulgare found in Great Britain and Ireland, with illustrative specimens
John Thomas Towson
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