Vol 168 (2019)

To commemorate the bicentenary of the Peterloo Massacre this volume includes two research notes on aspects of the legacy of this momentous event. The cover image is reproduced courtesy of Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives.

This volume is not available in digital form on our website at present. HSLC members receive a copy of this volume plus online access to this and other recent volumes through Liverpool University Press.

Front matter:
Editorial note
Notes on contributors


From Pantomime to Peterloo: ‘Hearts of Oak’ and the Contest for Englishness in Songs of Protest
Alison Morgan

Teaching Peterloo at University: Considering Legacy and Commemorations
Lowri Ann Rees


The Lost Reputation of William Downham
P.J. Cox

‘A worthy champion for the maintenance of civil and religious liberty’ Dr Robert Halley (1796-1876) and his Lancashire: Its Puritanism and Nonconformity
R.C. Richardson

In Search of Thomas Green and the Authors of Liverpool’s Caxton Press
Nick Foggo

The Poet, the Newspaper Editor, and Working-class Local Literary Culture in Victorian Blackburn
Andrew Hobbs

‘A second Waterloo’: The Claughton Tragedy of 1827 and its Afterlife
Alan G. Crosby

Fearing for Merseyside: Liverpool, its Defences and the French Invasion Scare of 1858-1859
James Crossland

Book Reviews

Council and officers’ reports for 2018


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