Vol 147 (1997)

The 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Society was marked by a specially-commissioned series of six lectures, reproduced in this volume

The 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Society was marked by a specially-commissioned series of six lectures, reproduced in this volume

Front matter
List of illustrations
Editorial note
List of abbreviations

Liverpool in 1848: image, identity and issues
John Belchem

Liverpool and Africa in the nineteenth century: the continuing connection
Martin Lynn

The cultural identity of Liverpool, 1790-1850: the early learned societies
Arline Wilson

Provincial internationalism: contemporary foreign art in nineteenth-century Liverpool and Manchester
Edward Morris

‘Local history’ and the culture of the middle classes in north-west England, c1840-1900
Alan J. Kidd

Clio, culture and the city: historical societies in their nineteenth-century urban context
Michael E. Rose

Notes on the Contributors


Council and officers’ reports for 1997





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