Search Results for: tudor vol 79 (1927) – Prescot in Tudor times vol 122 (1970) – A mid-Tudor ecclesiastical official: the curious career of George Wilmesley vol 148 (1998) – ‘Lord of the towne’: Urban identity and culture in later Tudor and Stuart Stockport vol 119 (1967) – The Chester leather industry, 1558-1625 vol 123 (1971) – Court and county palatine in the reign of Henry VIII: the career of William Brereton of Malpas vol 66 (1914) – The mediaeval bedposts in Broughton church, Chester vol 50 (1898) – The lesser-known gatehouses and gateways of Lancashire and Cheshire vol 119 (1967) – The Lieutenancy of Lancashire and Cheshire in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries vol 121 (1969) – New books vol 8 (1855-1856) – General remarks on the natural history of the shores of the Mersey Posts navigation 1 2 3 … 22 Next »Journal SearchEnter keyword(s) in the box below to search all journal PDFs. Search for: Search tips & help